Membership Benefits

Ngā huanga mematanga

Already a member? Click on the tiles below to access member benefits.

Not a member? Find out more about membership here.

He Kete Taonga

Access a range of resources to support your te ao Māori journey. 



Governance and management

Access a range of fact sheets and templates based on centre governance, management and administration best practice.

Professional development

Access a range of PLD opportunities at free or discounted member rates.

Member publications

Receive up to date information, developments and research relevant to the ECE sector direct to your inbox.

Te Reo Pantry | He Pātaka Reo

He Pātaka Reo is an online course designed to support you in speaking te reo Māori. Access is free for members.

Human resource advice

Membership offers you access to information, advice and valuable guidance from our inhouse HR specialist during business hours.

Advocacy and consultation

We actively seek member views when making submissions and represent ECE sector interests on a variety of advisory groups and forums.

 Pay Parity

Find information about Pay Parity




Library and research

Members have free access to the Taylor & Francis online database.



Access a range of information and links, including the recording of the members only workshop: 'Understanding Self-Care'.

Kaiako resources

Access a range of factsheets to support your professional practice.


ECECA bargaining

Centre members who request Te Rito Maioha to act on their behalf as their ECECA bargaining agent receive significant discount on their bargaining fees.

Te Rito Maioha Rules and AGM

At the Annual General Meeting (AGM), voting members can appoint auditors, governing members, vote on changes to rules, and have input to the advocacy we do on your behalf.

Membership perks

Receive discounted rates for venue and meeting room hire and opportunities to contribute including live Q&A sessions.


Member discounts

Take advantage of member discounts from our range of preferred suppliers.