Palmerston North Regional Education Centre

Te Rito Maioha is a leading provider of early childhood education courses in Palmerston North, and we are passionate about maintaining high standards of education in Aotearoa|New Zealand. We take a fresh perspective on ECE qualifications and are proud to offer a range of study options both at our Regional Education Centres and online. We have gained the highest quality rating offered by NZQA.

We currently have over 700 students have now enrolled in our programmes. They come to us to learn ECE either to become kaiako or to further their knowledge in the field of education. Our ECE courses in Palmerston North are popular as it allows students to stay and contribute within their community, although you can study from anywhere through our 11 Regional Education Centres across the country. 

Early Childhood Education Palmerston North

We take a blended approach to early childhood education in Palmerston North, with many of our courses comprising both face-to-face and online study components. Each course has a focus on bicultural education, as we believe that this is the foundation of becoming a teacher in Aotearoa|New Zealand.

Get your career in education started or grow your knowledge for your current role with our options for studying ECE in Palmerston North. Find out more about our range of courses below.

Graduate Diploma of Teaching in Palmerston North
If you already have a degree, you can qualify as a teacher with just one more year of study. Our Graduate Diploma of Teaching is designed to help graduates register as teachers in Aotearoa|New Zealand. No matter the subject of your previous qualification, this diploma will allow you to start teaching by becoming a registered ECE teacher.

This programme is also commonly taken by international teachers wishing to familiarise themselves with the learning environment here and be eligible to teach again.

Across this course, you will learn more about the role of teachers as inquirers, theories of critical pedagogy, and leadership. Gain a greater understanding of the curriculum so that you are able to lead and assist children in their learning. Additionally, you will undertake two practicums where you will be teaching children|tamariki in an educational setting. This allows you to apply your learning directly in the classroom.

Diploma in Early Childhood Education in Palmerston North
Our students are offered a choice of three diplomas in early childhood education:

  • NZ Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Home-based Care)
  • NZ Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Pasifika)
  • NZ Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Aperfield Montessori)

These diplomas are ideal for anyone working in childcareECE, whether you are a qualified or unqualified teacher. Each of these three qualifications focuses on an unique perspective on early childhood education in Aotearoa|New Zealand. The Pasifika diploma offers educators the skills to teaching and engaging with Pasifika children and their families. The home-based care course focuses on the theory and practice of delivering quality home-based early childhood education and care in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Discover more about the Montessori curriculum with the Montessori diploma, and become a Montessori trained kaiako.

Learn online, gain practical experience, and grow your knowledge of early childhood education with any of these qualifications. Additionally, the Montessori and Pasifika options include block courses so that you can learn alongside other students in person.

Teacher Education Refresher (TER) Courses in Palmerston North
Is it time for you to refresh your teaching practices and knowledge? Educators who have not yet gained a full practising certificate within five years of completing study may need to take a Teacher Education Refresher course to requalify as a teacher.

This programme is suited to qualified ECE teachers. It is also often taken by teachers who have trained internationally and would like to inform themselves on best practices in Aotearoa|New Zealand’s learning environment.

ECE Degrees in Palmerston North
Gain an undergraduate degree in early childhood education with one of our three degree options. Each one concentrates on particular aspects of educating children in Aotearoa|New Zealand.

Bachelor of Education (ECE) in Palmerston North
The Bachelor of Education is an excellent choice for students who wish to reflect on the diverse perspectives on education in Aotearoa|New Zealand. It is aimed at those who work in educational institutions, offer educational policy advice, or have other interactions with the education system in their careers. It does not qualify you to become a teacher, instead educating you on the principles of early childhood education and the strategies behind them.

After completing this degree, graduates will have a solid understanding of the concept of ako and how it impacts learning and be able to demonstrate their academic and digital literacy skills. You will also know more about the learning process and be able to identify strategies that support academic study.

Many students decide after finishing this degree that they want to become a kaiako, so they go on to study the Graduate Diploma of Teaching (ECE) to qualify as teachers.

Bachelor of Teaching in Palmerston North
If you are looking to become a qualified teacher, we offer two degree choices. Study one of the following:

  • Bachelor of Teaching (Primary)
  • Bachelor of Teaching (ECE)

Each programme incorporated a blended online learning approach where the majority of course content is delivered online. This allows you the flexibility to study from home at a time that suits you. Both programmes also involve field-based learning where you will have the opportunity to apply what you learn each week. Enrol in one of these degrees and then find a local school or ECE centre willing to have you as a student teacher to study primary or ECE teaching in Palmerston North.

ECECourses Palmerston North

ECE Diploma to Degree Upgrade Programme
Students studying our ECE diplomas frequently find that afterwards, they want to study towards a degree. We offer an option to upgrade your ECE Diploma into a full degree which allows you to become a qualified kaiako through this qualification.

Postgraduate ECE in Palmerston North

Our postgraduate qualifications have a strong emphasis on furthering the ECE skills of our students. Each one is a unique course that focuses on helping you gain the knowledge you require to advance your career in ECE. The postgraduate diplomas can form part of the Master of Education if you decide to continue studying.

  • Postgraduate Diploma: Infant and Toddler Learning and Development – This course includes information on the first thousand days of development, infant and toddler wellbeing, and the curriculum for under 3s. It builds skills that enable you to specialise in infant and toddler learning and development.
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership (ECE) – Find out how to effectively lead a team in an ECE context and apply pedagogical leadership theories in the workplace. Whether you are a leader in your education centre or wish to be, this diploma can help you develop the knowledge you need to succeed.
  • Master of Education (ECE) – Our Master of Education in Palmerston North offers a number of skills to improve your teaching practices. Study Pasifika and Māori leadership, evaluation in ECE, bicultural teaching and learning, the first thousand days, and much more. Learn from home and increase your knowledge to advance your career.


Palmerston North Regional Education Centre

Physical address:
23 Mihaere Drive
Palmerston North 4144            
Regional Education Leader at this site:
Debbie Rickard
Telephone: (06) 355 0108
Mobile: 028 8500 3304


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