Tertiary education

Te Mātauranga Matua

We have made the following submissions to government entities in response to issues affecting the tertiary education sector. To view the submissions, click on the titles below.


Funding Determinations and Fee Regulation Settings for 2025 (23 July 2024)

Submission made on the following

  • Proposed AMFM Rate for 2025
  • Variations to funding determinations for eleven existing funds


 Changes to NZQA Rules (October 2022)

Submission made on the following:

  • Micro-credential approval and accreditation
  • Skill standards
  • Qualification and micro-credential listing
  • Offshore programme delivery
  • Programme approval and accreditation rules
  • Quality assurance rules


Disability Enrollment Questions (October 2022) 

Submission made on the wording of changes to questions asked of enrolling tertiary students about their disabilities and support requirements


Simplifying NZ qualifications and other credentials (16 June 2021)

While we agree with simplifying qualifications, we still believe that as early childhood education (ECE) teacher training is not a vocational programme or course it should sit outside this model. 

Draft Principles of Assessment and Aromatawai (28 May 2021)

We agree with the overarching purpose of assessment and aromatawai to “validate, promote, and measure learning; irrespective of ākonga ethnicity, gender, religion, socio-economic status or disability”.

Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Students) Code of Practice 2021 (21 May 2021)

We agree with replacing The Education (Pastoral Care of Domestic Tertiary Students) Interim Code and the Education (Pastoral Care of International Tertiary Students) Code of Practice with a single code - the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Students) Code of Practice 2021. We note there are a significant number of new requirements for providers, especially in the area of processes for complaints, ensuring thorough staff knowledge of student welfare issues, development of new consistent practices and public information sharing.


ECE Qualifications Review (25 April 2020)

We provided feedback via an initial survey covering the current range of ECE qualifications from levels 2 to 5. This survey is to inform the review of ECE qualifications to ensure they are useful, relevant and fit for purpose..

We feel that the changes to Rules 4.1, 5.1 and 13 that will require us to seek Workforce Development Council (WDC) endorsement of our undergraduate programmes is adding another layer of compliance when developing and seeking approval from NZQA. We hope that WDC endorsements won’t be unreasonably withheld or what WDCs won’t delay programmes being approved and therefore delay delivery.

View the updated Rules here.


Tertiary Education Strategy (24 October 2019)

The proposed priorities send a strong signal to the tertiary sector on what is expected in terms of teaching and supporting learners/ākonga. It is good to see a focus on listening to the needs of the workplace as this will enable learners to move into the workforce once their studies are complete.  We provide comment on each priority and their underlying indicative actions.

The Tertiary Education Strategy (TES) has been finalised and gazetted. You can read about he TES here.

Further consultation on proposed changes to the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (23 August 2019)
We support several the proposals, but do not support removing level 7 Diplomas or Level 8 Honours degrees from the NZQF. View the changes here
We comment on the impact of the reforms on teacher education, including work-based learning, improved learning outcomes for Māori and Pasifika and recommend that teacher education providers are exempt from this reform.

View the Government’s decisions on the review here.

View updates from the Tertiary Education Commission on the Review of Vocational Education (ROVE) here and Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) here.

NZQA Rule 18 – English language proficiency requirements for international students (8 February 2019)
We support the proposal to change the evidence requirements for international students’ English language proficiency. In particular, the removal of the student visa decline rate from Rule 18. We consider that the changes proposed will make the application process easier and more open and transparent for both applicants and education providers.


Options for raising the Export Education Levy rate (10 October 2018)

We consider there should be greater transparency of how the Export Education Levy is spent on promoting tertiary providers overseas and which tertiary providers are really benefiting. We would like to see evidence of how PTEs are equal beneficiaries of Education New Zealand’s marketing and promotion efforts. We think it unfair that the entire private training establishment (PTE) sector and other provider types should be penalised with a levy increase for the failures of individual PTEs

View the changes here.

Annual Maximum Fee Movement rate 2019 (26 July 2018)

We support, with reservations, the proposed maximum rate of 2% by which tertiary education organisations can increase their tuition fees for domestic students for 2019. We would prefer that the onus for helping to meet rising costs not rest with students. We encourage the government to review tertiary education funding policy, in particular the Student Achievement Component (SAC) funding.

View the announcement here.

Essential Skills in Demand Lists: Occupation Nomination (21 July 2018)

We nominated ‘Occupation 241111: Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher’ to the Immediate Skills Shortage List. We submitted this nomination on behalf of the 400+ early childhood education centres and 200+ early childhood teachers we represent.

The Essential skill list changed and updates effective from 27 May 2019. View the changed skills list here.

Immigration settings for international students (29 June 2018)

We provided feedback on a range of policy proposals and their implications on both students and teacher supply for the ECE sector.

View the final cabinet paper with decisions here.

Draft International Education Strategy (22 June 2018)

We support the strengthened focus on high quality education delivery and student wellbeing, and the zero tolerance “policy” for student exploitation. We believe the strategy would be enhanced by adding a definition of quality provision, measurable targets, the inclusion of PTEs as beneficiaries of Education New Zealand’s marketing and promotion efforts and a deeper discussion about breaking down the barriers to enrolling international students to meet our skills shortage.

View the final strategy here.

NZQA Rules Update (27 April 2018)

We support the proposed rule that requires Private Training Establishments (PTEs) that cease delivering a programme during a study period but are still operating, to cover costs related to transfer of international students.  However, we have concerns about the rule applying equally for involuntary cessation of programmes, resulting from situations outside the PTE’s control.

View the changes made here.

NZQA Recognising Micro-credentials (11 April 2018)

We support proposals to recognise micro-credentials, alongside qualifications, being delivered by tertiary providers within New Zealand’s regulated education and training system.

NZQA has considered the feedback from submissions, amended its proposals and developed a system to introduce micro-credentials in New Zealand. View the changes here.