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Tauira Support Grant

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This grant supports neurodiverse tauira who want a learning assessment


The tauira support grant is for tauira who have not had a formal assessment of their learning but who feel that their learning is impacted in a detrimental way due to an impairment.

The Tauira Support Grant reimburses $500 towards a learning assessment.

The tauira support grant takes into account the neurodiversity family including (this is not an exhaustive list) dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, autism spectrum disorder and ADD/ADHD.

Five $500 grants are available each academic year.
This ensures that successful applicants have sufficient time to receive the assessment results to support their learning.


Applicants must:

  • be enrolled in a Te Rito Maioha programme

  • not have received a tauira support grant previously.

Tauira can reapply if they are unsuccessful.

Application Process

To be considered, applicants must:

  • Complete an online or downloadable grant application form.
    • If needed tauira may fill in the application for the learning support grant in collaboration with a Te Rito Maioha staff member. Both the tauira and the staff member sign to attest if this has been filled in collaboratively.

Note: Completed downloadable forms should be emailed to studentservices@ecnz.nz
Partially completed applications will not be considered for a grant.

Selection Process

Applicants are approved on a first-in-first-served basis.

Tauira will receive confirmation of the outcome of their grant application within four weeks of application.

The Director of Teaching, Learning and Research will make the final decision as to which applicants will receive a grant.

Use of the Grant

  • The assessment process will include an initial assessment at a provider chosen by the tauira where learning assessments are undertaken.

  • The tauira is responsible for having the assessment undertaken. This must be undertaken no later than 4 months after the grant has been awarded.

  • The tauira will have the learning assessment undertaken, pay the full cost and seek reimbursement up to a maximum of $500 with a receipt for the assessment and provision of full bank details for reimbursement.

Terms and Conditions

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